welcome to my thoughts

Strawberry Vanilla Chia Smoothie

Strawberry Vanilla Chia Smoothie

My favorite protein powder for smoothies is chocolate...but since we have been doing a lot of smoothies I have been trying to switch it up.  I decided to grab a jar of the Vega Vanilla Protein & Greens the last time it was on sale at our local Earthfare.  While I...

Paleo Chocolate Pudding with Grass-Fed Gelatin

Paleo Chocolate Pudding with Grass-Fed Gelatin

Chocolate is the weakness in our house.  The other night we were craving a quick dessert and I am always trying to find new ways to incorporate grass-fed gelatin into our diets. So I whipped up a quick pudding and it was loved by everyone in our house, especially my...

Pecan Oat Stawberry Rhubarb Crisp (Gluten Free)

Pecan Oat Stawberry Rhubarb Crisp (Gluten Free)

I am one of those people who loves spring.  I barely survive winters in Indiana and can not wait for green grass, blossoms on trees and signs of life spouting out of the ground.  Along with spring and early summer comes an over abundance of two of my favorite foods -...

Pork Lettuce Wraps – a Gluten Free, Quick Dinner

Pork Lettuce Wraps – a Gluten Free, Quick Dinner

2015 for me, is all about simplifying.  So far in January, I have already downsized every closet in our upstairs, organized my pantry and am starting to work on clearing every unused item out of our basement.  I have also, consolidated nutritional supplements and am...

gluten free pecan oat apple crisp

gluten free pecan oat apple crisp

It's that time of year, where apples are abundant everywhere.  They are the feature sale item at most grocery stores (our local Earth Fare has had multiple varieties on sale for $0.88/lb).  I currently have a batch of apple butter cooking in the crock pot,  am...

chunky chicken salad – a summer favorite

chunky chicken salad – a summer favorite

During the summer we keep our freezer stocked full of chicken breasts ready for grilling (we stock up when Earth Fare runs their $2.99 chicken breast special) and make a lot of simple grilled chicken meals.  One of our summer favorites is a fresh chunky chicken salad,...

Salmon and Veggie Packets

Salmon and Veggie Packets

Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year.  I love fresh seasonal vegetables and meals seem to be inherently lighter.  A quick easy dinner that we like to throw together are baked salmon packets.  The are easy and literally your entire meal is baked all...

Gluten-Free Chocolate Granola

Gluten-Free Chocolate Granola

A few weeks ago we had dinner with some good friends, Nate & Amanda (that we don’t see often enough).  Amanda loves discovering new foods was telling me about one of her favorite food blogs, called My New Roots.  She loves the Chocolate buckwheat granola recipe...

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs (Our First Attempt)

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs (Our First Attempt)

I picked my boys up from preschool yesterday and decided we needed a fun project for our afternoon, so we swung into EarthFare to grab some eggs, cabbage & onions.  (Really the trip was more pre-meditated than that because I had one of their $14 of $70 coupons and...